Women on the Water

Mary Rosel, Women’s Activities Chair

Hello, my name is Mary Rosel. I’ve recently been appointed by the New Mexico Trout Board to help create a community of women who want to fish!!

Wouldn’t it be fun to know an organized group of women that want to take fishing trips, learn fly fishing skills and techniques, participate in some guided events and learn more about conservation and other related topics? The possibilities are endless. If you would be interested in becoming a part of this newly formed community or know of someone, please do not hesitate to e-mail me at women@newmexicotrout.org. We can arrange a time to visit on the phone or via e-mail. I can try to answer any questions you may have. I’m also in the process of creating a survey to send out to those I’ve been in contact with to find out more about them and what they want to see in this group.

On a very important note, there is a lot of uncertainty in our lives right now. This new project is not nearly as important as our safety, health and well being not only as a community but as a nation. I started this project before the craziness began to evolve. I would like to see it through but only when the timing is right. In the meantime, stay safe and healthy. We can use our electronic devices and social networks to reach one another to stay connected.   I look forward to hearing from you!

Women on the Water - February update
by Mary Rosel, Women's Activities Chair We are still in our Winter season but Spring is around the corner.  The wonderful part about living in this beautiful Land of Enchantment is the many beautiful sunny days.  Those days provide opportunities to enjoy outdoor activities and even fish!  Fishing in winter can be a lot of fun. Women on the Water met on January 28th and had a successful planning session.  It was a great turnout.  We worked on putting into place some activities for 2021, keeping in mind the pandemic.  The group agreed to have some general requirements when participating ... Read More
Women on the Water: Fall Update
Mary Rosel, Women's Activities Chair From the October 2020 newsletter  Fall is finally here with its cooler weather and cooler stream temperatures!  I dream of getting back on the water.  This has been a life changing year.  Change isn't always easy, especially if it means giving up something you love to do.  I want to think that this change will lead to innovations to a new and better way to live.  In the meantime, savor the moments with your loved ones.  Be thankful for the good things in your lives.  Ponder your thoughts and dig deep to learn how to make ... Read More