By Ron Loehman, Conservation Chair
Volunteers are needed to work with Santa Fe National Forest personnel to construct several beaver dam analogs (BDAs) on the Rio Cebolla meadows downstream of where the Cebolla flows under FR 376. The work area is approximately 10 miles north of Porter’s Landing on FR 376.
This is the first stage of a project to increase riparian wetland area, to improve water quality, and to benefit fish habitat on the Rio Cebolla. We will be applying techniques similar to those Bill Zeedyk taught at a NM Trout workshop in 2015, including post pounding, rock placement, and willow weir construction. Some of the work will be in-stream and other parts will be on the stream banks. We suggest you bring waders if you plan to work in the stream.
Because the work area is NM meadow jumping mouse habitat, the US Fish and Wildlife Service allows access only between October 15 and May 1, when the mouse is believed to be hibernating. We anticipate follow-on projects next Spring as early that weather permits and continuing through May.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Meet at 9:00 AM at the parking area above the Gilman Tunnels on FR 376.
The club will provide lunch if you RSVP to Ron Loehman by 5:00 PM, Monday October 23, 2017