Ron Loehman
Conservation Chairman
Plan to join other NM Trout Volunteers on June 1st to build structures that will help the Rio Cebolla recover from the effects of unauthorized vehicles along its banks. The location is about 4 miles north of Porter’s Landing where FR 376 crosses the Cebolla, across the valley from where we installed the interpretive panels last year.

We will be working to close off an informal road along the creek that was decommissioned in the recent Forest Service travel management plan. This is an action that NM Trout has been advocating for over a decade and now we have the chance to help the area recover from heavy overuse. We will install vertical posts (bollards) using a power auger, similar to what we have done elsewhere. Some volunteers may help to remove some of the many informal camps and fire rings that dot that side of the Cebolla.
Lunch will be Rudy’s BBQ and soft drinks provided by the club in appreciation for all that our valued conservation volunteers accomplish.
There is informal camping in the area for those who want to go up early
When: Meet at 9:00 AM, Saturday, June 1
Where: 4 miles from Porter’s Landing, where FR 376 crosses the Rio CebollaB
Bring: work gloves, hat, sunscreen, and a water bottle; wear sturdy shoes
RSVP: to by Tuesday, May 28 so we can order sufficient food for lunch