We’ve had more than a couple of complaints about not being able to purchase tickets or renew memberships online. Please check this list of our most common issues.
You need to be registered for this website and logged in to access the forms. Yes, this is a pain. It is necessary to keep out malicious attacks and spammers, plus it ensures that you have entered a verified email address.
- If you’ve never registered for the website, there is a link on right that says Register for this website. You will need to enter an email address and choose a user name. Then you will need to click on a link in an email that verifies your email address and allows you to reset your password to something manageable.
- If you have registered (or think you have registered) and have no idea what your password is, there is also a link that says Lost your password?
- You will need to log in with your user name, not your email address.
Several people have had problems when they were using the Firefox browser. If you are using Firefox and are still having problems after correctly logging in, try a different web browser (Safari or Explorer).
If you STILL have problems, please contact the webmaster. Sometimes the problems are indeed in the computer and not the user.