by Mike Maes
From the December 2014 Newsletter
Thanks to all who came out to join NM Trout at our Fall 2014 Fly Tying Symposium and Gear Swap. Both Project Healing Waters and NM Trout wish to thank all donors and all of you who bought items from the gear swap. I haven’t heard what the final tally was, but I know both PHW and NMT Youth Programs’ added to the coffers and will turn those funds around for the respective programs.
I personally want to thank our fly tyers, Bill Frangos, Tad Tucker, Bob Pelzl, Doc Minter, Deb Duran and the mother-daughter team, Margaret Roybal and Ramona Lopez. All the tyers went out of their way to answer questions and provide step-by-step instructions. We enjoyed one heck of a great day of fly tying.
Lee and Bob Widgren‘s Custom Fly Rod Crafters demonstrated rod-wrapping and what goes into custom rod building. Several attendees took advantage of Lee & Bob’s display to get outside and do a little lawn casting with various custom rods.
Thanks again to all who pitched in and made the day a great event!