Fly patterns

Pattern and Notes by Rick Passek Photograph by Hans Weilenmann Used by permission Hook: Size 8-16 Swimming Nymph hook Bead: White Tungsten Bead Thread: Olive Green 8/0 Uni Rib: Extra small gold wire Abdomen: Tying thread Thorax: Peacock dubbing Thorax: Loctite Brushable Super glue I use this fly primarily under a strike indicator. When using it, I try to allow the fly to sink to the set depth, and instead of a REALLY slow retrieve I do a slightly quicker Figure 8 retrieve, as well as a good hard "POP" from time to time to impart some extra life ... Read More

Tied by Jeremy Barela Photo by Jeremy Barela Hook: Daiichi 2220 #10 Thread: Black 6/0 Bead: Tungsten gold bead Tail: Brown, olive and black marabou with Krystal Flash tied in on both sides Body: Pearl Peacock Angel Hair dubbed Hackle: Black variant saddle hackle ... Read More

Tied by Jeremy Barela Photo by Jeremy Barela Hook: Daiichi 1130 #14-20 Bead: Copper bead to fit hook Tail: Pheasant tail fibers Abdomen: Pheasant tail fibers wrapped to thorax Rib: Small copper wire Thorax: Peacock swords wrapped Wingcase: UV Sparkle Dub This is another great baetis pattern that can be fished anywhere. It works great as a one-nymph setup or as a dropper behind a larger nymph or dry fly. Tie this pattern in various sizes so you can match the hatch when you are out on your favorite stream! ... Read More

Tied by Jeremy Barela Photo by Jeremy Barela Hook: Daiichi 1180, size to match the hatch Thread: Benecchi’s olive 12/0 Tail/Shuck: Rust colored antron trimmed length of body Rib: Small copper wire Abdomen: Pheasant Tail swords Thorax: BWO superfine dub Wing: Deer hair tied in tips towards the eye of the hook – Tie in the hair right before the Thorax so there is a wing pad above the thorax. You will cut the butt ends of the deer hair to create the wing pad. Legs: Dun hackle tied in-between the wing pad and the tips of the deer hair ... Read More

Tied by Jeremy Barela Photo by Jeremy Barela Hook: Daiichi 1130 #18-28 Thread: Black 8/0 Ribbing: XX fine Lagarten Silver wire Body: black thread Wing: White goose biot Legs: Dun hackle Start thread on shank and wrap to halfway point of hook. Tie in silver wire and wrap thread back to above the barb. Wrap thread back up to thorax area and follow with silver wire, making a nice ribbed body. Tie in white goose biot to fit the size of pattern you are tying. The biot should not go past the bend of the hook. Trim the excess biot ... Read More

Tied by Jeremy Barela Photo by Jeremy Barela Hook: Standard dry fly #12-18 Thread: Olive 8/0 Tail: Rust antron Body: Olive superfine, or color to match natural Wing: Elk hair with a grizzly hackle tied in parachute style. Tie the grizzly hackle in as you would a parachute adams. The simplest way to do this is by tying in the hackle prior to trimming the butt ends of the elk hair. This will allow you to hold both ends of the elk hair up and wrap the hackle. This is a great pattern to fish on many of the watersheds ... Read More

Tied by Jeff Duran of CustomFlys.comPhoto by Jeremy Barela Hook: Daiichi 1130 (or equivalent scud hook) in sizes 14-20 Thread: UTC 70 Olive Brown Ribbing: Fine Copper Wire Tail: Pheasant Tail Angel Hair Wingcase: Black thin skin with 1 strip of pearl Krystal Flash in the middle Thorax: Chocolate superfine dubbing Over Wingcase: 1 drop of Loon's Knot Sense to simulate bubble ... Read More

Tied by Jeremy Barela Photo by Jeremy Barela Hook: Daichi 1130 size to match hatch Bead: Gold bead to match size of hook Thread: Tan 6/0 UTC Ribbing: Gold wire Underbody: Grey chenille Legs: Dun hackle, oversized by 1 ½ times Back: 5 strands of peacock herl folded over chenille Thorax: Peacock herl wrapped twice to create thorax A great pattern to fish wherever there are crane flies present. If you are fishing deep, fast water and need to get to the bottom quick, you can add a tungsten bead or wrap lead on the hook shank prior to tying ... Read More