Tied by Jeremy Barela
Photo by Jeremy Barela
Hook: Daiichi 1130 #16-22
Shuck: Brown hackle the length of body, trimmed straight
Body: Adams gray superfine dubbing
Thorax: Mahogany superfine dubbing
Wingcase: Dun hackle pulled over thorax
Legs: Dun hackle fibers from wing case folded back and trimmed
This has proven to be an excellent pattern on many streams in the southwest. Tie it to match the size of the hatch you are fishing. It can be fished effectively with a dead drift, on the swing or as a dry-dropper combo. This fly has also been popularized as the trailer fly on the hopper-copper-dropper rig created by the originator. Fish your favorite hopper pattern followed by a Copper John, then the Barr Emerger and you ready for one great day of fishing.
Another style of the Barr Emerger is the PMD pattern. Substitute a mahogany body and a PMD yellow thorax and you have two great patterns for your next trip out.