Originator: Charlie Craven (Colorado) Tied by Jeremy Barela Photo by Jeremy BarelaHook: Daichi 1280 #4 – 8 Body: Tan, Yellow, Brown, Olive or Gray foam folded in half (match color to conditions) Legs: Rubber terrestrial legs Underwing: Krystal Flash Overwing:
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Miracle Midge
Tied by Jeremy Barela Photo by Jeremy Barela Hook: Daiichi 1110 #18-28 Thread: White 8/0 Rib: Small copper wire Body: white thread Thorax: Gray superfine dub Start thread behind eye and wrap back to halfway point of hook. Tie in
Read moreWired stonefly
Tied by Jeremy Barela Photo by Jeremy Barela Hook: Daiichi 1270 #12-18 Thread: Black 8/0 Tail and legs: Tan colored goose biot – 3 pairs of legs Abdomen: Hot Yellow and Copper UTC wire (medium size) Thorax: Peacock herl Head:
Read moreBarr Emerger
Tied by Jeremy Barela Photo by Jeremy Barela Hook: Daiichi 1130 #16-22 Shuck: Brown hackle the length of body, trimmed straight Body: Adams gray superfine dubbing Thorax: Mahogany superfine dubbing Wingcase: Dun hackle pulled over thorax Legs: Dun hackle fibers
Read moreCDC Comparadun
Tied by Jeremy Barela Photo by Jeremy Barela Hook: Daiichi 1180 #16-22 Thread: Benechi Dark Dun 12/0 Tail: Dark Dun micro-fibets, split Body: Dun hackle quill Thorax: Superfine Adams Gray dubbing Wing: Natural Dun CDC Type 1 feather Last
Read moreSummer & fall
By Taylor Streit The best fly fishing in late summer is to be found at the high elevations and on the tail waters. Avoid lakes (except those at very high elevations) as the trout will have gone very deep and
Read moreCatch & release
With the growing popularity of fishing in America, more and more people are out there to catch a few fish. If everyone kept every fish caught, pretty soon we wouldn’t have any fish left. The population of humans has far
Read moreFly-Fishing Etiquette
In Webster’s New World Dictionary, the word etiquette is defined as follows: “The forms, manners, and ceremonies established by convention as acceptable or required in society, or in a profession.” After reading this definition you would hope that fly fishers
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