by Jerry Burton, NMT President From the October/November 2014 Newsletter After trout eggs that have been buried in the stream gravel hatch, the emerging fry need areas with cover and low water velocity. They need the cover to escape being
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Board of Directors Vacancies
The club is in need of some folks to step forward and volunteer for the vice president position and the director for youth activities. The basic duties for the vice president position are to fill in at the monthly general meeting for the
Read moreKnot of the Month – King Sling Loop
This is a simple and quick knot to tie, creating a non-slip loop in almost any size line. It is also extremely strong, retaining 95% of line strength. This loop can be used for larger streamers, to allow more action
Read moreFly of the Month – RS-2 Tube Brown Baetis
Fly, Notes and Photo by Tim Barker Used by Permission From the September 2014 Newsletter HOOK: TMC 200R, #20-#22 THREAD: Tiemco 16/0, Black TAIL: Two Moose Body fibers (or black barbetts) ABDOMEN: Micro Tubing, Brown WING: Premium CDC, Medium Dun,
Read moreTrout Spawning
by Jerry Burton, NMT President From the September 2014 Newsletter The size of the trout population in a stream greatly depends upon the success the fish have when they spawn. To be successful they need flowing water that circulates oxygen and
Read moreAn amazing recovery
What Happens When Cattle Don’t Spend Summer in the Cebolla Ron Loehman Conservation Chairman From the September 2014 Newsletter The New Mexico Meadow Jumping Mouse is a small rodent that lives along mountain meadow streams that are bordered by tall
Read moreKnot of the Month – Surgeon’s Loop
This is one of the easiest and quickest loops to tie, creating a non-slip loop in almost any size line. It is also extremely strong, retaining 100% of line strength. This loop can be used for larger streamers, to allow
Read moreFly of the Month – E/C Caddis (dirty yellow)
From the August 2014 Newsletter Fly, Notes and Photo by Tim Barker Used by Permission Hook: Daiichi 1110, #16 – #18 Thread: Tiemco 16/0, Lt. Cahill (Thorax forward) Shuck: Looped strand Z-Lon, Ginger Abdomen: Nano Silk 12/0. Yellow Rib: Micro
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