by Jerry Burton, NMT President from the December 2014 Newsletter The Vivegash fire in 2000 burned approximately 38,000 acres in the headwaters of Cow Creek. While some of the headwaters tributaries were not devastated by the fire, it did wipe
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Fly Tying Symposium and Gear Swap
by Mike Maes From the December 2014 Newsletter Thanks to all who came out to join NM Trout at our Fall 2014 Fly Tying Symposium and Gear Swap. Both Project Healing Waters and NM Trout wish to thank all donors and all
Read moreTrout in Winter
by Jerry Burton, NMT President From the October/November 2014 Newsletter Ever wonder how trout in a small high elevation stream survive when in the winter temperatures are below zero for weeks at a time and three feet of snow cover
Read moreBeaver Redux
This wild rodent, favored for its fur and at one time reviled for its destructive habits in riparian areas, has received new respect from environmentalists. These creatures are being welcomed into the landscape as a defense against the withering effects
Read moreConservation: Catch and Release Designation for the Rio Chama
Ron Loehman, Conservation Chairman From the October/November Newsletter For the past several years Noah Parker has been working to have the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMG&F) designate parts of the Rio Chama as a catch and release
Read moreRio Grande Cutthroat Trout Rebounds
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently announced that New Mexico’s state fish, the Rio Grande cutthroat trout, is no longer a candidate for listing under the Endangered Species Act. According to the report, aggressive conservation efforts by the department
Read moreFly Tying Classes
The intrepid tiers of the Fly Tying Round Table, which have met every week since before recorded history, have begun to offer tying classes on the third Tuesday of every month, from 7-9pm. Each class will feature a specific fly to demonstrate some particular technique.
Read moreTrip Report: Fishing the Rio Chama Below El Vado Dam
by Ron Loehman From the October/November 2014 Newsletter Earlier this year I was the successful bidder in an on-line auction for a guided fishing trip donated to the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance. I redeemed the award in late October for
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